罗马尼亚求购磷酸铁锂电池(LiFePO4 battery)/Hello,We are importers and distributors of various goods for Romanian Market. We have an in-house demo project with alternative energy and multisource energy integration. The scope of the project is t
罗马尼亚求购磷酸铁锂电池(LiFePO4 battery)/Hello,We are importers and distributors of various goods for Romanian Market. We have an in-house demo project with alternative energy and
罗马尼亚求购锂电池(LIFePo battery pack)/Hi, I am writing you from Romania, how much would be to ship it here? Do you work with a depot in Europe to simplify the overall process?May I ask for a datasheet for the 48V 200A LIFePo battery pack?
818717罗马尼亚求购14.8V 20000mAh 锂电池(li-polymer battery 14.8V 20000mAh) We need a li-polymer battery 14.8V 20000mAh with maxim weight arround 1000g can you do somthing like that? Post date 11-14, value member points ?
罗马尼亚求购锂电池(Lithium Battery 3.7V 2500mah)
罗马尼亚求购锂电池(Lithium Battery 3.7V 2500mah)/Hello can you send me price for 18650 3.7V 2200mah Lithium Li Ion Rechargeable Smart Lithium Batteries. Do you provide OEM services?
罗马尼亚求购锂电池单元(Lithium Battery Cell)/Dear concern our one the leading client of lithium battery cell required 5000 lithium battery cell for their project on urgent basis . We are looking for supplier who can fulfil this order in short ti
罗马尼亚求购锂电池(Lithium Batteries) (12-10) Hi I need 16 cells The cells need to be 280-300Ah, depending on cost, and they need to be balanced I want to make a 48v pack with these 16 cells If the economics makes sense, I would also buy a ~1...
2023年11月13日 · 拓邦股份董事长武永强先生、拓邦欧洲工厂总经理叶胜响先生等公司高层、蒂米什县议会副议长Alexandru Constantin Proteasa先生、Remetea镇镇长Golubov Ilie先生等罗马尼亚政府官员、中国企业罗马尼亚商会执行会长朱丽霞女士、欧洲知名企业代表及客户代表
罗马尼亚求购锂电池(Lithium Battery 3.7V 2500mah)
罗马尼亚求购锂电池(Lithium Battery 3.7V 2500mah)/Hello can you send me price for 18650 3.7V 2200mah Lithium Li Ion Rechargeable Smart Lithium Batteries. Do you provide OEM services? What will be cost for 10,000 pcs